Solutions for Upper Crossed Syndrome

Your musculoskeletal system is immensely complex and if things become unbalanced, it could cause a lot of strain and pain. One of the most common conditions is upper crossed syndrome, which occurs when the muscles in your shoulders, neck, and chest become unbalanced. This can result in chronic pain and discomfort. Fortunately, a chiropractor can provide treatment for upper crossed syndrome and various other physical ailments. Looking for a chiropractor near Fairfield and Vacaville, CA who can treat upper crossed syndrome? Contact Dr. Michael Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic.

Chiropractors can use a variety of treatment methods to provide assistance. First, let’s take a closer look at what causes upper crossed syndrome.

Upper Crossed Syndrome is a Matter of Unbalance

The muscles, bones, and joints in your body are interconnected and problems with one part of your body can cause issues elsewhere. With upper crossed syndrome, the muscles in your chest, neck, and shoulders are not properly balanced. Problems with the muscles in your back and elsewhere may also exacerbate the issue.

So what might cause the muscles to become unbalanced? There are many different potential causes, but poor posture and ergonomic support are perhaps the most common causes. Folks who spend long periods sitting at desks experience upper crossed syndrome, but essentially anyone can experience this condition.

Let’s look at how a chiropractor can use chiropractic care to treat upper crossed syndrome. If you'd like to treat upper crossed syndrome around Fairfield and Vacaville, CA, get in touch with Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic.

Treating Upper Crossed Syndrome With Chiropractic Care

Those who suffer from upper crossed syndrome tend to experience pain in their upper chest and lower back. The pain may meld into the background, resulting more in discomfort than sharp aches. Fortunately, there are a variety of chiropractic treatments that can be used to treat upper crossed syndrome.

Massage Therapy and Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors can provide hands-on care to relieve muscle tension, thus reducing strain. Further, if the spine is out of alignment, this may cause a lot of pain. Fortunately, a chiropractor can use spinal manipulation to correct the alignment of your spine, potentially delivering lasting pain relief.

Proper Posture and Ergonomic Support

A chiropractor can work with you to ensure that you’re using proper posture, say while working at a desk. It’s also crucial to find chairs and other pieces of furniture that provide proper support.

Other Chiropractic Treatments

Electrical stimulation therapy, and customized stretches and exercises, which you can often perform at home or work, can also provide relief. There are many more treatments that can provide both long-term and short-term relief from upper crossed syndrome.

If you'd like to discuss treating upper crossed syndrome in Fairfield and Vacaville, CA, dial (707) 426-1111 to reach Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic.

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1252 Travis Blvd. Suite G | Fairfield, CA 94533

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9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm



