Tips for Protecting Your Joints During Yard Work

Whether you’re raking leaves in the fall or prepping your garden in the spring, it’s important to be mindful of your joints while doing yard work. With the right approach, you can minimize the impact on your joints and musculoskeletal system as a whole. Should you fail to take the right precautions, you could find yourself in a lot of pain. If you live in or near Fairfield, CA, and after some yard work find yourself in pain, stop by Kosak Chiropractic and speak with Dr. Michael Wilson.

Lift and Carry Properly

Yard work often involves a lot of lifting and carrying. First, when possible, you should reduce the weight of anything you’re carrying. You might be tempted to overstuff a bag of leaves so that you can clear everything out with fewer bags. However, this could increase the risks of straining the joints in your arms and legs. Likewise, instead of buying one large bag of soil, consider opting for two smaller bags.

Whenever you’re lifting and carrying things, you want to distribute the weight and ensure as much of it is being carried by your strongest bones and muscles. When carrying a tray of plants, for example, you typically want to keep elbows close to your body. 

Meanwhile, if you’re shoveling, it’s usually wise not to toss the dirt over your shoulder. This creates a lot of unnecessary movement in your arms and the rest of your body. Simply toss the dirt to the side. If you want to reduce pain while performing yard work and live near Fairfield, CA, contact Kosak Chiropractic and schedule an appointment with Dr. Wilson.

Don’t Forget Your Back

So far, we’ve focused on your joints. However, it’s important to protect your back as well. Generally, you want to lift primarily with your knees and hips, not your back. Be especially mindful while lifting heavy objects as they can quickly strain your back.

It’s smart to stretch before engaging in any physical activity, including working in the yard. The right stretches can reduce the risk of overstraining your back as well as your joints. A chiropractor can teach you how to properly perform stretches and at-home exercises to reduce the risk of injuries.

Design Joint Friendly Green Spaces

Another great way to protect your joints is by designing your gardens and other green spaces to reduce strain. For example, you can use elevated flower beds. This way, you won’t have to bend as far down. You might also select trees that produce fewer leaves in the autumn so that you won’t have to rake as much.

Looking for assistance to resolve aches and injuries suffered while performing yard work? If you happen to live near Fairfield, CA, call (707) 426-1111 to reach Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic.

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