How Chiropractic Helps With Sciatica

The sciatic nerve is the thickest and longest nerve in the body and is actually a collection of nerves that begin as five nerve roots in the spinal cord. There are two sciatic nerves; each side of the body has a sciatic nerve that runs through the buttock and hip and extends to just below the knee. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerves are irritated, pinched, compressed, damaged, or inflamed. While most cases of sciatica are not deemed dangerous, sciatica can cause painful symptoms that disrupt one’s ability to carry out daily activities and enjoy life. Chiropractic care is an excellent treatment modality that can help address the causes and symptoms of sciatica. For patients living in Fairfield, CA, Dr. Michael Wilson of Kosak Chiropractic Auto Accident & Pain Clinic is an outstanding chiropractor who can help you find relief from sciatica.

Sciatica is common in the United States. The Cleveland Clinic estimates that around 40% of Americans develop sciatica during their lifetime. Individuals with sciatica frequently experience mild to intense pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips, and legs on one side of the body due to pressure on the nerves. This pain may resemble a burning or stabbing sensation or the feeling of an electric shock. Sciatic pain often radiates down the leg of the affected side and worsens when one sneezes, coughs, or bends over. Other sciatica symptoms can include paresthesia (“pins and needles”), numbness in the affected areas, loss of range of motion in the hip, and muscle weakness.

There are several conditions of the musculoskeletal system that can cause sciatica, including degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, spinal or foraminal stenosis, osteoarthritis, or injuries from work or traumatic accidents. Risk factors of sciatica include aging (normal wear-and-tear of the spine), diabetes, current or previous injuries, excessive weight, physical inactivity, and jobs that require a lot of lifting and bending.

Dr. Wilson of Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA, provides various excellent chiropractic services for treating sciatica. Chiropractic adjustments (also known as spinal manipulation) help treat sciatica by realigning the spine and joints to their natural state. These adjustments help alleviate pressure on the nerves and joints, reduce pain, and improve posture, mobility, and range of motion. Dr. Wilson may also recommend soft tissue therapy, massage, or ice pack cryotherapy to help alleviate sciatica symptoms.

Chiropractic care can also help improve the health of joints and soft tissues, increase strength and flexibility, correct postural misalignment, reduce pain, improve sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety. If you are experiencing sciatica symptoms in Fairfield, CA, contact Dr. Wilson with Kosak Chiropractic today for a qualified chiropractic assessment! (707) 426-1111 

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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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