Risk Factors for Sciatica

Sciatica can leave you hurting and feeling hopeless – but you don’t have to be either. Dr. Michael Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA offers several natural treatment methods to help heal and prevent this condition. 

Understanding Sciatica 

Sciatica is a term used to describe symptoms that occur due to the sciatic nerve being compressed. The sciatic nerve starts in your lower back and branches out to move down each leg to your feet. When it’s compressed, it leads to various symptoms, such as sharp, stabbing pains, burning, numbness, or tingling from the lower back down one leg. 

Risk Factors Associated With Sciatica

Sciatica can happen to anyone, as an injury can lead to nerve compression. However, there are some people who are at a higher risk than others. The following are some of the most common risk factors. 

  • Manual labor: When you do repetitive manual work – either at home or in a work setting – you fall into the high-risk category. This is because repetitive movements and heavy lifting can impact your spinal alignment and a herniated disc, which puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. 
  • Overweight or obese: Your spine is designed to support a certain amount of weight. When you surpass this weight, your muscles and spinal discs can become compressed. These can lead to pressure on the sciatic nerve. 
  • Smoking and diabetes: Smoking and diabetes can both impact how well the blood circulates through your body and to the spine. Additionally, smoking can dehydrate your spinal discs, and diabetes can damage the nerves. Therefore, both can lead to sciatica. 
  • Weakened core: When your core is strong, it can help keep your spine in alignment. When it’s weak, it can lead to various issues, including sciatica. 
  • Aging: As you age, the spinal column begins to naturally wear down. This puts you at higher risk of herniated discs and spinal misalignment, both of which can lead to sciatica. 

Addressing Sciatica in Fairfield, CA

One of the most effective ways to prevent and treat sciatica is with the help of a chiropractor. Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic provides several methods to address the issues, including spinal adjustments, spinal decompression, massage therapy, therapeutic exercise, therapeutic ultrasound, and more. After a full evaluation, Dr. Wilson will determine the best combination of treatments to relieve your symptoms. 

Sciatica doesn’t have to be a lifelong partner. Get rid of the pain and discomfort with the help of Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA by calling (707) 426-1111. 

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1252 Travis Blvd. Suite G | Fairfield, CA 94533

Office Hours

Our General Schedule


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm



