Risk Factors for Herniated Discs

Dr. Michael Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA offers several natural and highly-effective methods to both treat and prevent herniated discs. 

5 Top Risk Factors Associated With Herniated Discs 

Herniated discs occur when undue pressure on a spinal disc causes it to tear. Unfortunately, there are many things that can create this pressure, meaning that anyone is subject to such an injury. However, some people are more at risk than others. We’ll discuss the top risk factors below. 

1. Excess Weight 

Every spine is designed to support a certain range of weight. Carrying excess weight – either due to being overweight or pregnant – puts additional pressure on the spine. That pressure can negatively impact any of the discs that sit between the bones. 

2. Poor Health and Habits 

Your spinal discs rely on a healthy supply of blood to perform as they should. Anything you do – or don’t do – and any medical conditions you have that impact how well your blood flows can lead to a herniated disc. This includes habits like smoking and conditions like diabetes. 

3. Age and Gender 

Aging can lead to disc degeneration, which is a top cause of herniated discs. Therefore, the older you are, the higher your risk. Also, men tend to be more likely to develop a herniated disc than women.

4. Repetitive Motion and Physically Demanding Work 

If your job requires repetitive lifting, twisting, pushing, or bending, it can speed up the degeneration of your discs. And if you aren’t using proper lifting techniques, disc degeneration can occur more quickly. Sports that require repetitive movement can produce the same result.

5. Low Activity Levels 

At the other end of the activity spectrum is being inactive, which can also cause a herniated disc. Sitting actually compresses the spine. And the longer you sit, the more it compresses. This compression puts unnecessary pressure on the discs, which can cause them to herniate. 

This can be even more true when you work at a desk. Unless you are very diligent with your posture, you are likely to begin to hunch and slouch throughout the day. These actions can worsen the pressure on your discs. 

Addressing Risk Factors of Herniated Discs 

Even if you fit several of the categories above, you don’t have to resign yourself to herniated discs. Combining lifestyle changes and regular chiropractic care with Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA can help you prevent such an injury. 

Don’t leave your spine to fend for itself against herniated discs and other injuries. Call (707) 426-1111 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA today.

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1252 Travis Blvd. Suite G | Fairfield, CA 94533

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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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